Introduction: This tabulation of minor planet discovery data was originally prepared in machine-readable form for NSSDC for the first 3774 numbered minor planets. This version has been updated by the author to include subsequently numbered planets. The author first listed the references only on 1988 Feb 2 with the publication of MPC 12781. Previously this table had been maintained without references to the original literature. Adding references from earlier publications remains a task for the future (if ever). Would anyone else like to contribute to this important assignment? The discovery date is in local mean time prior to 1925 January 1, and in UT thereafter, and refers to the time of mid-exposure for planets discovered by photographic means. In may cases, the permanent number was assigned only when several unnumbered planets observed in different years were found to be identical, often many years after the discovery photographs were made. In these cases, the discovery date is the first of that series of photographic observations from which the preliminary orbit was computed, and the provisional designation is that associated with this particular set of observations. Often earlier observations exist, but they are considered prediscoveries. In some cases the discovery and subsequent observations permitted images to be found on photographs obtained at the same observatory earlier in the discovery apparition; these earlier observations are considered prediscoveries. The following literature has been examined comprehensively to determine the discovery data: Stracke, G., Identifizierungsnachweis der Kleinen Planeten (Berlin, 1938); Herget, P., Names of Minor Planets (University of Cincinnati Observatory, 1957, 1967); Astronomische Nachrichten; Astronomische Nachrichten Indices; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; Rechen-Institute Circulars; Beobachtungs Zircular; Lick Research Surveys on Minor Planets; Turku Informo. History: The new files were received at the ADC from Dr. Pilcher in late 1994 on a floppy disc in three sections with the notes included with the third section. The notes were split off into a separate file and the remaining portions of the files were concatenated onto the records for the first 1815 objects. Acknowledgments: The author (Pilcher) wishes to thank the following people for valuable contributions to this work. B. G. Marsden has arduously searched the literature, resolved various errors and discrepancies; andhas passed judgment on conflicting discovery claims. J. Meeus and M. Combes have prepared an earlier list of discovery data from which the present list was adapted and expanded, and K. Kelly has proofread the material, and provided continuing advice and counsel. History: The new files were received at the ADC from Dr. Pilcher in late 1994 on a floppy disc in three sections with the notes included with the third section. The notes were split off into a separate file and the remaining portions of the files were concatenated onto the records for the first 1815 objects.