Asteroid Lightcurve Parameters C.-I. Lagerkvist A.W. Harris V. Zappala Astronomiska Observatoriet JPL 183-501 Oss. Astron. di Torino Box 515 4800 Oak Grove Dr. 10025 Pino Torinese S-751 20 Uppsala Pasadena, CA 91109 Italy Sweden USA The lightcurve data file consists of three parts: the asteroid list, the reference list, and this explanation, which includes a list of footnotes at the end. The reference list is numbered and sorted by first author plus date. Each citation includes the year, all authors, journal or book name, volume, and first and last page numbers. The asteroid list is ordered by asteroid number, followed by the asteroid name, the period in hours, amplitude of variation or range of amplitude observed. FOOTNOTES AND ALTERNATE VALUES FOR AMBIGUOUS PERIODS 4 Degewij and Zellner (1978) and Degewij et al. (1979) show that variation is primarily due to albedo and not due to shape. Taylor (1985) found no asymmetry in the 10-hour lightcurve as claimed by Taylor (1973) when he reobserved at similar aspect. Magnusson (1986) obtains a better solution for the pole position of Vesta with a 5-hour period than with a 10-hour period. 9 Correct period is 5.079 hrs. Other values resulted from cycle errors in compositing lightcurves. 26 P = 10.60 or 13.13 hours. 56 P = 13.7 or 19.0 hours. 139 P = 20.9 or 41.8 hours. 249 P = 42.62 or 85.24 hours. 288 Period may be a precession period (see 1220 footnote). 372 P = 6.58, 8.67, or 12.83 hours. 387 P = 16.0, 24.0, or 48.0 hours. 393 P = 19.35 or 38.7 hours. 439 P = 19.2 or 38.4 hours. 683 P = 4.3, 5.3, or 8.6 hours. 704 Pole position inferred from YANG 65 observation. 804 P = 7.42 or 14.851 hours. 944 Accurate period quoted by Tedesco (in "Asteroids", ed. T. Gehrels, Tucson: Univ. Ariz. Press, pp 1098-1107.) 1220 A modulation of P=7.90 hr, Ampl=0.15 mag was observed near minimum light of the longer period variation. BINZEL 84B interprets this as the real rotation period, with the long period being a preces- sion period caused by an unseen satellite. 288 Glauke may be another case of the same phenomenon. 3552 P = 3 or 7 hours.