3102C Remarks to table I and II. Remarks to Table 1. ------------------- The following papers are referred to by number in col. 5 and below: 00 Hoffleit (1964) 01 Houk and Cowley (1975) 02 Kennedy (1977) 03 Cowley (1976) 04 Harlan (1974) 05 Cowley and Fraquelli (1974) 06 Hube (1970) 07 Abt and Levato (1977) 08 Malaroda (1975) 09 Houk (1978) 10 Andersen and Nordstrom (1977) 11 Andersen and Nordstrom (1978) 12 Cowley and Bidelman (1979) Remarks on individual stars: ---------------------------- HD 24446 Batten (1976) gives RV= 25.6 (2 plates). 27528 Batten (1976) gives RV= 8.2 (2 plates, var?). 33331 Suspected variable (Andersen and Nordstrom, 1981). 34880A (06) gives RV= 23 (1 plate). 35104 (06) gives RV= 11 (1 plate). 35548AB (06) gives RV= -25 (1 plate). 35640 (06) gives RV= 5 (1 plate). 36589 (06) gives RV= 36 (1 plate). 37643AB (06) gives RV= 37 (1 plate). 38478 (06) gives RV= 15 (1 plate). 40574 (06) gives RV= -11 (1 plate). 43461 (06) gives RV= 22 (1 plate). 43526 (06) gives RV= 45 (1 plate). 44953AB (06) gives RV= 15 (1 plate). 44996A (06) gives RV= 68 (1 plate). 46075 (06) gives RV= 12 (1 plate). 46189 Hill (1971) gives RV= 24 (4 plates, var?). 46860A (06) gives RV= 2 (1 plate). 46885 (06) gives RV= -7 (1 plate).Boulon and Fehrenbach (1959) give +22 (6 objective prism plates). 47247 (06) gives RV= -95 (1 plate). 50012 Thackeray et al. (1973) give RV= 35+3 (5 plates). 50123A (06) gives RV= -8 (1 plate). Shell star, possibly binary. Remark on spectrum in (10). Components labeled are: 2: H emission, 3: stronger component of double shell lines in H - H . Fainter component has RV= -90. 51411 Mass ratio: M2/M1 = 0.84 + 0.05. 52273 (06) gives RV= 41 (1 plate). 52348 (06) gives RV= 56 (1 plate). Balmer lines give smaller velocity range than He I lines, probably due to blending with lines of unseen secondary. 53240 (06) gives RV= 28 (1 plate). 56733 Thackeray et al. (1973) also find variable RV. 58346 (06) gives RV= 24 (1 plate). 58612 (06) gives RV= 11 (1 plate). 61554 (06) gives RV= 29 (1 plate). 62153 Mass ratio M2/M1 = 0.58 + 0.02. 67888 Thackeray et al. (1973) give RV= 29 (4 plates). Variable PQ Pup and known Be star (Hiltner et al., 1969). ESO spectra show very strong, sharp, central emission H - H and weak, sharp Fe II emission (comp. 2). Underlying star has quite sharp lines including Mg II 4481. No spectral variations observed. Interstellar Ca II K line double. Weaker component has RV= -15. 69082 Mass ratio: M2/M1 =0.53 +0.05. 71043 (06) gives RV= 3 (1 plate). 73952A Feinstein (1961) give RV= 4.2 (2 plates). Buscombe (1965) gives RV= 26 ( 2 plates). 75086A He lines diffuse, other lines sharp. "sn" type as defined by Abt and Levato (1977). Brighter component of visual binary. 75086B Fainter component of visual binary. Rotation much faster than A. 75466 Buscombe and Kennedy (1965) give RV= 27 (1 plate). Perry and Bond (1969) give RV= 34 (2 plates). 80773 Buscombe and Kennedy (1965) give RV= 36 (2 plates). 84375 Known Be star (Wackerling, 1970). Spectral type appears later than B3. Strong sharp shell absorption in H -H , very weak Fe II, Ti II shell lines (comp. 3) Double emission H -H , with V/R < 1 (labeled comp.2). Underlying star has very fast rotation. H shell spectrum possibly slightly stronger 0n first plate, otherwise no spectral variations. 86612 Hill (1971) gives RV= 39 (4 plates). Known Be star (MWC 581). ESO spectra show wide emission (comp. 2) with sharp central absorption (comp. 3) H -H . Spectrum possibly variable. 99171 Hill (1971) gives RV= 9 (4 plates). Interstellar Ca II H and K lines possibly double. 118285 Mass ratio: M2/M1 =0.97 +0.07. 126475 Variable according to Buscombe and Kennedy (1965). 142883 Mass ratio: M2/M1 = 0.38 + 0.03. Obs. also by Hill (1971). 145483A Evans (1966) give RV= -3 ( 5 plates). 145501C Thackeray (1966) gives RV= -14 (4 plates). 145501D Thackeray (1966) gives RV= -3 (4 plates). 149671 Hill (1971) finds star to be SB2, possibly due to emission present at H . ESO spectra show large rotation, constant velocity, and no emission. 160202 Buscombe and Kennedy (1965) give RV= 0 (2 plates). 162515 Mass ratio : M2/M1 = 0.6 + 0.2. Abt et al. (1970) give gamma vel. = -8.7 + 1.4. In M7. 162678 Buscombe and Kennedy (1968) give RV= -7 (2 plates). 162817 Possibly variable according to Buscombe and Kennedy (1968). 172881A Listed as SB2 in (10). Later found to be triple. Main pair has mass ratio: M2/M1 = 0.80 +0.07. Systemic velocity given in Table 1 is close to that of the third component measured on one plate (13.7 + 3.0 km/s, Table 2). 177880A Batten (1976) gives RV= -0.5+2.0 (5 plates). Interstellar Ca II H and K lines very strong, possibly shell? 182180 Variable according to Buscombe and Morris (1960).