List of SDSS-DR9 types

Type Explanations
AMC Candidate Am CVn variables (ancillary target)
BLAZGRFLAT Candidate optical counterparts of sources detected by γ-ray Fermi telescope: within 2" of a CRATES radio source and within a Fermi error ellipse (ancillary target)
BLAZGRQSO Candidate optical counterparts of sources detected by γ-ray Fermi telescope: within 2" of a FIRST radio source and within Fermi error ellipses (ancillary target)
BLAZGVAR Candidate optical counterparts of sources detected by γ-ray Fermi telescope: miscellaneous candidate blazars (ancillary target)
BLAZGX Candidate optical counterparts of sources detected by γ-ray Fermi telescope: within the Fermi error ellipses and within 1' of a RASS X-ray source (ancillary target)
BLAZGXQSO Candidate optical counterparts of sources detected by γ-ray Fermi telescope: within 1' of ROSAT source and within Fermi error ellipses (ancillary target)
BLAZGXR Candidate optical counterparts of sources detected by γ-ray Fermi telescope: within 1' of ROSAT source and within 2' of a FIRST radio source. (ancillary target)
BLAZR miscellaneous candidate blazars (ancillary target)
BLAZXR Candidate optical counterparts of sources detected by γ-ray Fermi telescope: plausible Fermi sources (ancillary target)
BLAZXRSAM miscellaneous candidate blazars (ancillary target)
BLUE_RADIO radio galaxies with blue colors at z>0.3 (ancillary target)
CHANDRAv1 Optical counterparts of Chandra X-ray targets (ancillary target)
CXOBRIGHT Remarkable X-ray sources that have bright 2-8 keV fluxes (ancillary target)
CXOGRIZ Remarkable X-ray sources that have "outlier" SDSS colors (g-r)>1.2 or r-i>1.0 or i-z>1.4. (ancillary target)
CXORED Remarkable X-ray sources with red SDSS colors of (g-i)>1.0 (ancillary target)
ELG Luminous Blue Galaxies (ancillary target)
FBQSBAL Broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with spectrum from the FIRST Bright Quasar Survey (FBQS) (Cat. J/AJ/112/407 J/ApJS/126/133, J/ApJS/135/227) (ancillary target)
FLARE1 Flaring M stars (year 1 targets) (ancillary target)
FLARE2 Flaring M stars (year 2 targets) (ancillary target)
GALAXY galaxy
GAL_NEAR_QSO galaxy that lies between 0.006' and 1' of the line-of-sight for a spectroscopically-confirmed quasar (ancillary target)
HIZQSO82 Quasar candidate selected with UKIDSS YJHK photometry (ancillary target)
HIZQSOIR Quasar candidate in SDSS Stripe 82, selected with UKIDSS YJHK photometry (ancillary target)
HOT_STD Hot standard
HPM High Proper Motion stars (ancillary target)
KQSO_BOSS Quasars selected from UKIDSS photometry (ancillary target)
LBQSBAL Broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with spectrum from the Large Bright Quasar Survey (LBQS) (Cat. J/A+A/358/77 J/AJ/109/1498, J/AJ/122/518 (ancillary target)
LOW_MET Low-metallicity M dwarfs (ancillary target)
LRG Luminous Red Galaxy
MTEMP Template M-stars observed as a comparison sample (ancillary target)
NA (not applicable)
NONLEGACY (non-legacy observation)
ODDBAL Broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with various unusual properties (ancillary target)
OTBAL Photometrically-selected overlapping-trough (OT) broad absorption line (BAL) quasar (ancillary target)
PREVBAL Broad absorption line (BAL) quasar with prior spectrum from SDSS-I/-II (ancillary target)
QA Quality assurance target
QSO Quasi-stellar object
QSO_AAL Radio-quiet, with one absorption system associated with the quasar (ancillary target)
QSO_AALs Radio-quiet, with multiple absorption systems associated with the quasar (ancillary target)
QSO_GRI Quasar candidate selected in gri color space (ancillary target)
QSO_HIZ Quasar candidate detected only in SDSS i and z filters (ancillary target)
QSO_IAL Radio-quiet, with one intervening absorption system (ancillary target)
QSO_RADIO Radio-loud, with multiple absorption systems, either local or intervening (ancillary target)
QSO_RADIO_AAL Radio-loud, with one absorption system associated with the quasar (ancillary target)
QSO_RADIO_IAL Radio loud, with one intervening absorption system (ancillary target)
QSO_RIZ Quasar candidate selected in riz color space (ancillary target)
QSO_SUPPZ Known quasar with redhift 1.8<=z<=2.15
QSO_VAR Likely quasar selected by " No Quasar Left Behind" program (ancillary target)
QSO_VAR_FPG Quasars selected by variability (ancillary target)
QSO_VAR_SDSS Quasar defined in VARQSO description
QSO_noAALs Radio-quiet, with multiple intervening absorption systems and no associated absorption systems (ancillary target)
RADIO_2LOBE_QSO Object near the midpoint of a double-lobed object identified in FIRST (ancillary target)
REDDEN_STD Reddening standard star
RED_KG Red giants in the outer halo of the Milky Way (ancillary target)
ROSAT_D ROSAT match, bright enough for SDSS spectroscopy
RQSS_SF Red QSO selected from SDSS and FIRST photometry (ancillary target)
RQSS_SFC Red QSO selected from SDSS and FIRST photometry (child object in SDSS imaging) (ancillary target)
RQSS_STM Red QSO selected from SDSS and 2MASS photometry (ancillary target)
RQSS_STMC Red QSO selected from SDSS and 2MASS photometry (child object in SDSS imaging) (ancillary target)
RVTEST stars previously observed spectroscopically as a test of the reproducibility of velocity measurements (ancillary target)
SERENDIPITY_BLUE Serendipity Blue target (SEGUE target)
SERENDIPITY_DISTANT Serendipity Distant target (SEGUE target)
SERENDIPITY_FIRST Serendipity FIRST target (FIRST radio source within 1.5'') (SEGUE target)
SERENDIPITY_MANUAL Manual serendipity flag set
SERENDIPITY_RED Serendipity red target (SEGUE target)
SN_GAL1 Fiber assigned to the galaxy nearest the supernova position (ancillary target)
SN_GAL2 Fiber assigned to second-nearest galaxy (ancillary target)
SN_GAL3 Fiber assigned to third-nearest galaxy (ancillary target)
SN_LOC Fiber assigned to position of original supernova (ancillary target)
SPEC_SN Target selected from spectroscopy instead of photometric variation (ancillary target)
SPOKE Widely-separated binary systems in which both stars are low-mass (spectral class M) (ancillary target)
STANDARD standard
STAR stellar target
STAR_BHB Blue Horizontal-branch star (SEGUE target)
STAR_BROWN_DWARF Brown dwarf (SEGUE target)
STAR_CARBON Carbon star (SEGUE target)
STAR_CATY_VAR Cataclysmic variable (SEGUE target)
STAR_PN Central stars of planetary nebula (SEGUE target)
STRIPE82BCG Brightest cluster galaxy in stripe 82 survey area (ancillary target)
TEMPLATE_GAL_PHOTO Galaxy template
TEMPLATE_QSO_SDSS1 Quasar template
TEMPLATE_STAR_PHOTO Stellar template
TEMPLATE_STAR_SPECTRO Stellar template (spectroscopically known)
VARBAL Photometrically-selected candidate broad absorption line (BAL) quasar (ancillary target)
VARS Variables outside the stellar and quasar loci (ancillary target)
WHITEDWARF_NEW White dwarf candidate whose spectrum had not been observed previously by the SDSS (ancillary target)
WHITEDWARF_SDSS White dwarf candidate with a pre-existing SDSS spectrum (ancillary target)
XMMBRIGHT Remarkable X-ray sources that have bright 2-12keV fluxes (ancillary target)
XMMGRIZ Remarkable X-ray sources that have "outlier" SDSS colors (g-r)>1.2 or r-i>1.0 or i-z>1.4. (ancillary target)
XMMHR Remarkable X-ray sources that have unusual hardness ratios in the HR2-HR3 plane (ancillary target)
XMMRED Remarkable X-ray sources with red SDSS colors of (g-i)>1.0 (ancillary target)
brighterL Bright L dwarf candidates (ancillary target)
brighterM Bright M dwarf candidates (ancillary target)
fainterL Faint L dwarf candidates (ancillary target)
fainterM Faint M dwarf candidates (ancillary target)