#Format for the ReadMe (= precedes the explanation) #--------------------- A12 --- NAME =Source name =(1) A1 --- FCAT =Final catalog flag, always 0 =(2) I2 h RAH =Hours RA, equinox B1950.0, epoch 1983.5 =(3) I2 min RAM =Minutes RA, equinox B1950.0, epoch 1983.5 =(4) I3 ds RAS =Seconds RA, equinox B1950.0, epoch 1983.5 =(5) A1 --- DECSIGN =Sign of DEC, equinox B1950.0, epoch 1983.5 =(6) I2 deg DECD =Degrees DEC, equinox B1950.0, epoch 1983.5 =(7) I2 arcmin DECM =Minutes DEC, equinox B1950.0, epoch 1983.5 =(8) I2 arcsec DECS =Seconds DEC, equinox B1950.0, epoch 1983.5 =(9) I2 h RAH_2000 =Hours RA, equinox J2000.0, epoch 1983.5 =(10) I2 min RAM_2000 =Minutes RA, equinox J2000.0, epoch 1983.5 =(11) I3 ds RAS_2000 =Seconds RA, equinox J2000.0, epoch 1983.5 =(12) A1 --- DECSIGN_2000 =Sign of DEC, equinox J2000.0, epoch 1983.5 =(13) I2 deg DECD_2000 =Degrees DEC, equinox J2000.0, epoch 1983.5 =(14) I2 arcmin DECM_2000 =Minutes DEC, equinox J2000.0, epoch 1983.5 =(15) I2 arcsec DECS_2000 =Seconds DEC, equinox J2000.0, epoch 1983.5 =(16) F10.6 deg RA =Right Ascension B1950.0 =(17) F10.6 deg DEC =Declination B1950.0 =(18) F10.6 deg L =Galactic Longitude =(19) F10.6 deg B =Galactic Latitude =(20) I6 --- KEYFSS =Data Base Pointer =(21) I5 0.01arcsec UNCMAJOR =Uncertainty ellipse major axis =(22) I4 0.01arcsec UNCMINOR =Uncertainty ellipse minor axis =(23) I4 0.1deg POSANG =Uncertainty ellipse position angle, equinox B1950.0, epoch 1983.5 =(24) I3 --- NOBS_12 =? Number of times observed at 12\mu m =(25) I3 --- NOBS_25 =? Number of times observed at 25\mu m =(26) I3 --- NOBS_60 =? Number of times observed at 60\mu m =(27) I3 --- NOBS_100 =? Number of times observed at 100\mu m =(28) E10.4 Jy FNU_12 =Non-color corrected flux density at 12\mu m =(29) E10.4 Jy FNU_25 =Non-color corrected flux density at 25\mu m =(30) E10.4 Jy FNU_60 =Non-color corrected flux density at 60\mu m =(31) E10.4 Jy FNU_100 =Non-color corrected flux density at 100\mu m =(32) I1 --- FQUAL_12 =Flux density quality at 12\mu m =(33) I1 --- FQUAL_25 =Flux density quality at 25\mu m =(34) I1 --- FQUAL_60 =Flux density quality at 60\mu m =(35) I1 --- FQUAL_100 =Flux density quality at 100\mu m =(36) I3 0.1 RELUNC_12 =Percent rel. flux density uncertainty at 12\mu m =(37) I3 0.1 RELUNC_25 =Percent rel. flux density uncertainty at 25\mu m =(38) I3 0.1 RELUNC_60 =Percent rel. flux density uncertainty at 60\mu m =(39) I3 0.1 RELUNC_100 =Percent rel. flux density uncertainty at 100\mu m =(40) I2 --- RELIAB_12 =? Percent source reliability at 12\mu m =(41) I2 --- RELIAB_25 =? Percent source reliability at 25\mu m =(42) I2 --- RELIAB_60 =? Percent source reliability at 60\mu m =(43) I1 --- RELIAB_100 =? Percent source reliability at 100\mu m =(44) E10.4 --- SNR_12 =? SNR at 12\mu m =(45) E10.4 --- SNR_25 =? SNR at 25\mu m =(46) E10.4 --- SNR_60 =? SNR at 60\mu m =(47) E10.4 --- SNR_100 =? SNR at 100\mu m =(48) E10.4 --- LOCSNR_12 =? Local SNR at 12\mu m =(49) E10.4 --- LOCSNR_25 =? Local SNR at 25\mu m =(50) E10.4 --- LOCSNR_60 =? Local SNR at 60\mu m =(51) E10.4 --- LOCSNR_100 =? Local SNR at 100\mu m =(52) I1 --- CATNBR =Number of catalog sources within 6' =(53) I2 --- CATNBR30 =Number of catalog sources within 30' =(54) I2 --- EXTNBR =Number of extractions within 6' =(55) I2 --- EXTNBR30 =Number of extractions within 30' =(56) I1 --- CATNBR1_12 =Number of 12\mu m catalog sources within 6' =(57) I1 --- CATNBR1_25 =Number of 25\mu m catalog sources within 6' =(58) I1 --- CATNBR1_60 =Number of 60\mu m catalog sources within 6' =(59) I1 --- CATNBR1_100 =Number of 100\mu m catalog sources within 6' =(60) I2 --- CATNBR2_12 =Number of 12\mu m catalog sources within 30' =(61) I2 --- CATNBR2_25 =Number of 25\mu m catalog sources within 30' =(62) I2 --- CATNBR2_60 =Number of 60\mu m catalog sources within 30' =(63) I1 --- CATNBR2_100 =Number of 100\mu m catalog sources within 30' =(64) I1 --- EXTNBR1_12 =Number of 12\mu m extractions within 6' =(65) I1 --- EXTNBR1_25 =Number of 25\mu m extractions within 6' =(66) I1 --- EXTNBR1_60 =Number of 60\mu m extractions within 6' =(67) I1 --- EXTNBR1_100 =Number of 100\mu m extractions within 6' =(68) I2 --- EXTNBR2_12 =Number of 12\mu m extractions within 30' =(69) I2 --- EXTNBR2_25 =Number of 25\mu m extractions within 30' =(70) I2 --- EXTNBR2_60 =Number of 60\mu m extractions within 30' =(71) I2 --- EXTNBR2_100 =Number of 100\mu m extractions within 30' =(72) I2 --- CIRRUS1 =Number of 100\mu m-only or cold extractions within 30' =(73) I2 --- CIRRUS2 =Number of 100\mu m-only or cold extractions within 20' =(74) I1 --- CIRRUS3 =Number of 100\mu m-only or cold extractions within 6' =(75) I2 --- C1SIMPLE =Number of 100\mu m-only extractions within 30' =(76) I2 --- C2SIMPLE =Number of 100\mu m-only extractions within 20' =(77) I1 --- C3SIMPLE =Number of 100\mu m-only extractions within 6' =(78) E10.4 Jy FNULIM_12 =12\mu m flux density upper-limit =(79) E10.4 Jy FNULIM_25 =25\mu m flux density upper-limit =(80) E10.4 Jy FNULIM_60 =60\mu m flux density upper-limit =(81) E10.4 Jy FNULIM_100 =100\mu m flux density upper-limit =(82) E10.4 Jy FNUPLATE_12 =12\mu m flux density from plate =(83) E10.4 Jy FNUPLATE_25 =25\mu m flux density from plate =(84) E10.4 Jy FNUPLATE_60 =60\mu m flux density from plate =(85) E10.4 Jy FNUPLATE_100 =100\mu m flux density from plate =(86) E10.4 Jy SIGPLATE_12 =? 12\mu m flux density rms error from plate =(87) E10.4 Jy SIGPLATE_25 =? 25\mu m flux density rms error from plate =(88) E10.4 Jy SIGPLATE_60 =? 60\mu m flux density rms error from plate =(89) E10.4 Jy SIGPLATE_100 =? 100\mu m flux density rms error from plate =(90) F5.3 --- NONLCOR_12 =12\mu m non-linear flux density correction =(91) F5.3 --- NONLCOR_25 =25\mu m non-linear flux density correction =(92) F5.3 --- NONLCOR_60 =60\mu m non-linear flux density correction =(93) F5.3 --- NONLCOR_100 =100\mu m non-linear flux density correction =(94) I4 --- PLATE =Plate extracted from =(95) I3 --- AREA_12 =? Number of pixels above threshold at 12\mu m =(96) I3 --- AREA_25 =? Number of pixels above threshold at 25\mu m =(97) I3 --- AREA_60 =? Number of pixels above threshold at 60\mu m =(98) I3 --- AREA_100 =? Number of pixels above threshold at 100\mu m =(99) F22.15 pix YCNTROID =flux-weighted centroid along plate y-axis =(100) F22.15 pix ZCNTROID =Flux-weighted centroid along plate z-axis =(101) I4 deg BEAMANGY =Beam orientation angle with respect to plate y-axis =(102) I4 arcsec BEAMMAJ_12 =12\mu m beam size along major axis =(103) I4 arcsec BEAMMAJ_25 =25\mu m beam size along major axis =(104) I3 arcsec BEAMMAJ_60 =60\mu m beam size along major axis =(105) I3 arcsec BEAMMAJ_100 =100\mu m beam size along major axis =(106) I3 arcsec BEAMMIN_12 =12\mu m beam size along minor axis =(107) I3 arcsec BEAMMIN_25 =25\mu m beam size along minor axis =(108) I3 arcsec BEAMMIN_60 =60\mu m beam size along minor axis =(109) I3 arcsec BEAMMIN_100 =100\mu m beam size along minor axis =(110) I4 arcsec YOFFSET_12 =? 12\mu m centroid distance to peak pixel along y-axis =(111) I4 arcsec YOFFSET_25 =? 25\mu m centroid distance to peak pixel along y-axis =(112) I4 arcsec YOFFSET_60 =? 60\mu m centroid distance to peak pixel along y-axis =(113) I4 arcsec YOFFSET_100 =? 100\mu m centroid distance to peak pixel along y-axis =(114) I4 arcsec ZOFFSET_12 =? 12\mu m centroid distance to peak pixel along z-axis =(115) I4 arcsec ZOFFSET_25 =? 25\mu m centroid distance to peak pixel along z-axis =(116) I4 arcsec ZOFFSET_60 =? 60\mu m centroid distance to peak pixel along z-axis =(117) I4 arcsec ZOFFSET_100 =? 100\mu m centroid distance to peak pixel along z-axis =(118) I3 arcsec SHAPEMAJ_12 =? 12\mu m pixel distribution semi-major axis =(119) I3 arcsec SHAPEMAJ_25 =? 25\mu m pixel distribution semi-major axis =(120) I3 arcsec SHAPEMAJ_60 =? 60\mu m pixel distribution semi-major axis =(121) I3 arcsec SHAPEMAJ_100 =? 100\mu m pixel distribution semi-major axis =(122) I3 arcsec SHAPEMIN_12 =? 12\mu m pixel distribution semi-minor axis =(123) I3 arcsec SHAPEMIN_25 =? 25\mu m pixel distribution semi-minor axis =(124) I3 arcsec SHAPEMIN_60 =? 60\mu m pixel distribution semi-minor axis =(125) I3 arcsec SHAPEMIN_100 =? 100\mu m pixel distribution semi-minor axis =(126) I4 deg SHAPANGY_12 =? 12\mu m pixel distribution orientation with respect to plate y-axis =(127) I4 deg SHAPANGY_25 =? 25\mu m pixel distribution orientation with respect to plate y-axis =(128) I4 deg SHAPANGY_60 =? 60\mu m pixel distribution orientation with respect to plate y-axis =(129) I4 deg SHAPANGY_100 =? 100\mu m pixel distribution orientation with respect to plate y-axis =(130) F7.3 --- MAXLSNR_12 =? Maximum local SNR over 12\mu m pixel distribution =(131) F7.3 --- MAXLSNR_25 =? Maximum local SNR over 25\mu m pixel distribution =(132) F7.3 --- MAXLSNR_60 =? Maximum local SNR over 60\mu m pixel distribution =(133) F7.3 --- MAXLSNR_100 =? Maximum local SNR over 100\mu m pixel distribution =(134) F5.3 --- ISLCOR_12 =? 12\mu m island correction factor =(135) F5.3 --- ISLCOR_25 =? 25\mu m island correction factor =(136) F5.3 --- ISLCOR_60 =? 60\mu m island correction factor =(137) F5.3 --- ISLCOR_100 =? 100\mu m island correction factor =(138) F6.2 --- AVENOBS_12 =? Average of counts above 12\mu m threshold =(139) F6.2 --- AVENOBS_25 =? Average of counts above 25\mu m threshold =(140) F6.2 --- AVENOBS_60 =? Average of counts above 60\mu m threshold =(141) F6.2 --- AVENOBS_100 =? Average of counts above 100\mu m threshold =(142) E8.2 --- SIGNOBS_12 =? RMS Deviation of counts above 12\mu m threshold =(143) E8.2 --- SIGNOBS_25 =? RMS Deviation of counts above 25\mu m threshold =(144) E8.2 --- SIGNOBS_60 =? RMS Deviation of counts above 60\mu m threshold =(145) E8.2 --- SIGNOBS_100 =? RMS Deviation of counts above 100\mu m threshold =(146) E9.3 --- AVN_12 =? 12\mu m regional average coverage =(147) E9.3 --- AVN_25 =? 25\mu m regional average coverage =(148) E9.3 --- AVN_60 =? 60\mu m regional average coverage =(149) E9.3 --- AVN_100 =? 100\mu m regional average coverage =(150) E9.3 --- AVINVN_12 =? 12\mu m regional average inverse coverage =(151) E9.3 --- AVINVN_25 =? 25\mu m regional average inverse coverage =(152) E9.3 --- AVINVN_60 =? 60\mu m regional average inverse coverage =(153) E9.3 --- AVINVN_100 =? 100\mu m regional average inverse coverage =(154) E9.3 --- AVINVRN_12 =? 12\mu m regional average inverse square root coverage =(155) E9.3 --- AVINVRN_25 =? 25\mu m regional average inverse square root coverage =(156) E9.3 --- AVINVRN_60 =? 60\mu m regional average inverse square root coverage =(157) E9.3 --- AVINVRN_100 =? 100\mu m regional average inverse square root coverage =(158) I4 --- CCMAX_12 =? Maximum value of 12\mu m correlation coefficient =(159) I5 --- CCMAX_25 =? Maximum value of 25\mu m correlation coefficient =(160) I4 --- CCMAX_60 =? Maximum value of 60\mu m correlation coefficient =(161) I3 --- CCMAX_100 =? Maximum value, 100\mu m correlation coefficient =(162) I1 --- CCMAXLOC_12 =? Pointer to location of 12\mu m CCMAX =(163) I1 --- CCMAXLOC_25 =? Pointer to location of 25\mu m CCMAX =(164) I1 --- CCMAXLOC_60 =? Pointer to location of 60\mu m CCMAX =(165) I1 --- CCMAXLOC_100 =? Pointer to location of 100\mu m CCMAX =(166) I4 --- CNTRDCC_12 =? Correlation coefficient at 12\mu m centroid position =(167) I4 --- CNTRDCC_25 =? Correlation coefficient at 25\mu m centroid position =(168) I4 --- CNTRDCC_60 =? Correlation coefficient at 60\mu m centroid position =(169) I4 --- CNTRDCC_100 =? Correlation coefficient at 100\mu m centroid position =(170) F5.3 --- FRATIO_12 =? Ratio of 12\mu m template-fit flux density to peak flux density =(171) F5.3 --- FRATIO_25 =? Ratio of 25\mu m template-fit flux density to peak flux density =(172) F5.3 --- FRATIO_60 =? Ratio of 60\mu m template-fit flux density to peak flux density =(173) F5.3 --- FRATIO_100 =? Ratio of 100\mu m template-fit flux density to peak flux density =(174) F5.3 --- NOISRAT_12 =? Ratio of 12\mu m quantiles at 87% and 68% =(175) F5.3 --- NOISRAT_25 =? Ratio of 25\mu m quantiles at 87% and 68% =(176) F6.3 --- NOISRAT_60 =? Ratio of 60\mu m quantiles at 87% and 68% =(177) F5.3 --- NOISRAT_100 =? Ratio of 100\mu m quantiles at 87% and 68% =(178) F6.3 --- NOISCOR_12 =? 12\mu m noise correction factor =(179) F6.3 --- NOISCOR_25 =? 25\mu m noise correction factor =(180) F6.3 --- NOISCOR_60 =? 60\mu m noise correction factor =(181) F6.3 --- NOISCOR_100 =? 100\mu m noise correction factor =(182) I4 --- NPARENT_12 =? 12\mu m pre-rethresholding source number =(183) I4 --- NPARENT_25 =? 25\mu m pre-rethresholding source number =(184) I3 --- NPARENT_60 =? 60\mu m pre-rethresholding source number =(185) I3 --- NPARENT_100 =? 100\mu m pre-rethresholding source number =(186) I1 --- NCHLDRN_12 =? 12\mu m post-rethresholding number of sources per parent =(187) I1 --- NCHLDRN_25 =? 25\mu m post-rethresholding number of sources per parent =(188) I1 --- NCHLDRN_60 =? 60\mu m post-rethresholding number of sources per parent =(189) I1 --- NCHLDRN_100 =? 100\mu m post-rethresholding number of sources per parent =(190) I2 --- PROBLIN_12 =? Percent probability of NCHLDRN_12 lining up by chance =(191) I2 --- PROBLIN_25 =? Percent probability of NCHLDRN_25 lining up by chance =(192) I2 --- PROBLIN_60 =? Percent probability of NCHLDRN_60 lining up by chance =(193) I2 --- PROBLIN_100 =? Percent probability of NCHLDRN_100 lining up by chance =(194) I1 --- BMSEED =Seed band for bandmerger =(195) I1 --- BMFQUAL_12 =Bandmerger 12\mu m flux density quality index =(196) I1 --- BMFQUAL_25 =Bandmerger 25\mu m flux density quality index =(197) I1 --- BMFQUAL_60 =Bandmerger 60\mu m flux density quality index =(198) I1 --- BMFQUAL_100 =Bandmerger 100\mu m flux density quality index =(199) I1 --- NBNONUL =Number of merged bands which are not upper limits=(200) I1 --- NBDETECT =Number of merged bands which are detections =(201) I4 --- QUALINDX_12 =Bandmerger quality index at 12\mu m =(202) I4 --- QUALINDX_25 =Bandmerger quality index at 25\mu m =(203) I4 --- QUALINDX_60 =Bandmerger quality index at 60\mu m =(204) I4 --- QUALINDX_100 =Bandmerger quality index at 100\mu m =(205) I1 --- BMFLAG1_12 =? Bandmerger warning flag1 at 12\mu m =(206) I1 --- BMFLAG1_25 =? Bandmerger warning flag1 at 25\mu m =(207) I1 --- BMFLAG1_60 =? Bandmerger warning flag1 at 60\mu m =(208) I1 --- BMFLAG1_100 =? Bandmerger warning flag1 at 100\mu m =(209) I1 --- BMFLAG2_12 =? Bandmerger warning flag2 at 12\mu m =(210) I1 --- BMFLAG2_25 =? Bandmerger warning flag2 at 25\mu m =(211) I1 --- BMFLAG2_60 =? Bandmerger warning flag2 at 60\mu m =(212) I1 --- BMFLAG2_100 =? Bandmerger warning flag2 at 100\mu m =(213) I1 --- BMFLAG3_12 =? Bandmerger warning flag3 at 12\mu m =(214) I1 --- BMFLAG3_25 =? Bandmerger warning flag3 at 25\mu m =(215) I1 --- BMFLAG3_60 =? Bandmerger warning flag3 at 60\mu m =(216) I1 --- BMFLAG3_100 =? Bandmerger warning flag3 at 100\mu m =(217) I2 --- BMFLAG4_12 =? Bandmerger warning flag4 at 12\mu m =(218) I2 --- BMFLAG4_25 =? Bandmerger warning flag4 at 25\mu m =(219) I2 --- BMFLAG4_60 =? Bandmerger warning flag4 at 60\mu m =(220) I1 --- BMFLAG4_100 =? Bandmerger warning flag4 at 100\mu m =(221) I1 --- BMFLAG5_12 =? Bandmerger warning flag5 at 12\mu m =(222) I1 --- BMFLAG5_25 =? Bandmerger warning flag5 at 25\mu m =(223) I1 --- BMFLAG5_60 =? Bandmerger warning flag5 at 60\mu m =(224) I1 --- BMFLAG5_100 =? Bandmerger warning flag5 at 100\mu m =(225) I1 --- BMFLAG6_12 =? Bandmerger warning flag6 at 12\mu m =(226) I1 --- BMFLAG6_25 =? Bandmerger warning flag6 at 25\mu m =(227) I1 --- BMFLAG6_60 =? Bandmerger warning flag6 at 60\mu m =(228) I1 --- BMFLAG6_100 =? Bandmerger warning flag6 at 100\mu m =(229) F6.2 arcsec COMPDIST_12 =? Radial distance of 12\mu m component from centroid =(230) F6.2 arcsec COMPDIST_25 =? Radial distance of 25\mu m component from centroid =(231) F6.2 arcsec COMPDIST_60 =? Radial distance of 60\mu m component from centroid =(232) F6.2 arcsec COMPDIST_100 =? Radial distance of 100\mu m component from centroid =(233) F5.1 deg COMPANGL_12 =? Angle of 12\mu m component from centroid =(234) F5.1 deg COMPANGL_25 =? Angle of 25\mu m component from centroid =(235) F5.1 deg COMPANGL_60 =? Angle of 60\mu m component from centroid =(236) F5.1 deg COMPANGL_100 =? Angle of 100\mu m component from centroid =(237) I2 --- NDUPS =Number of source duplicates =(238) I7 --- DUPKEY_A =? First duplicate source pointer =(239) I7 --- DUPKEY_B =? Second duplicate source pointer =(240) I7 --- DUPKEY_C =? Third duplicate source pointer =(241) I7 --- DUPKEY_D =? Fourth duplicate source pointer =(242) I7 --- DUPKEY_E =? Fifth duplicate source pointer =(243) I7 --- DUPKEY_F =? Sixth duplicate source pointer =(244) I7 --- DUPKEY_G =? Seventh duplicate source pointer =(245) I7 --- DUPKEY_H =? Eighth duplicate source pointer =(246) I7 --- DUPKEY_I =? Ninth duplicate source pointer =(247) I7 --- DUPKEY_J =? Tenth duplicate source pointer =(248) I7 --- DUPKEY_K =? Eleventh duplicate source pointer =(249) I7 --- DUPKEY_L =? Twelfth duplicate source pointer =(250) I7 --- DUPKEY_M =? Thirteenth duplicate source pointer =(251) I7 --- DUPKEY_N =? Fourteenth duplicate source pointer =(252) I7 --- DUPKEY_O =? Fifteenth duplicate source pointer =(253) I7 --- DUPKEY_P =? Sixteenth duplicate source pointer =(254) I7 --- DUPKEY_Q =? Seventeenth duplicate source pointer =(255) I1 --- NOVRLAP =Number of overlapping plates =(256) I4 --- LSTOVRLP_A =First overlapping plate number =(257) I4 --- LSTOVRLP_B =? Second overlapping plate number =(258) I4 --- LSTOVRLP_C =? Third overlapping plate number =(259) I4 --- LSTOVRLP_D =? Fourth overlapping plate number =(260) I4 --- LSTOVRLP_E =? Fifth overlapping plate number =(261) I1 --- PLATNDUP_A =Number of dups from first overlapping plate =(262) I1 --- PLATNDUP_B =? Number of dups from second overlapping plate =(263) I1 --- PLATNDUP_C =? Number of dups from third overlapping plate =(264) I1 --- PLATNDUP_D =? Number of dups from fourth overlapping plate =(265) I1 --- PLATNDUP_E =? Number of dups from fifth overlapping plate =(266) I2 --- NID =Number of positional associations =(267) I2 --- IDTYPE =? Type of associated object (bit-encoded) =(268) I1 --- IDFLAG1 =? Association flag for first catalog =(269) I1 --- IDFLAG2 =? Association flag for second catalog =(270) I1 --- IDFLAG3 =? Association flag for third catalog =(271) I1 --- IDFLAG4 =? Association flag for fourth catalog =(272) I1 --- IDFLAG5 =? Association flag for fifth catalog =(273) I1 --- IDFLAG6 =? Association flag for sixth catalog =(274) I1 --- IDFLAG7 =? Association flag for seventh catalog =(275) I1 --- IDFLAG8 =? Association flag for eighth catalog =(276) I1 --- IDFLAG9 =? Association flag for ninth catalog =(277) I1 --- IDFLAG10 =? Association flag for tenth catalog =(278) I1 --- IDFLAG11 =? Association flag for eleventh catalog =(279) I1 --- IDFLAG12 =? Association flag for twelfth catalog =(280) I1 --- IDFLAG13 =? Association flag for thirteenth catalog =(281) I1 --- IDFLAG14 =? Association flag for fourteenth catalog =(282) I1 --- IDFLAG15 =? Association flag for fifteenth catalog =(283) I1 --- IDFLAG16 =? Association flag for sixteenth catalog =(284) I1 --- IDFLAG17 =? Association flag for seventeenth catalog =(285) I1 --- IDFLAG18 =? Association flag for eighteenth catalog =(286) I1 --- IDFLAG19 =? Association flag for ninteenth catalog =(287) I1 --- IDFLAG20 =? Association flag for twentieth catalog =(288) I1 --- IDFLAG21 =? Association flag for twenty-first catalog =(289) I1 --- IDFLAG22 =? Association flag for twenty-second catalog =(290) I1 --- IDFLAG23 =? Association flag for twenty-third catalog =(291) I1 --- IDFLAG24 =? Association flag for twenty-fourth catalog =(292) I1 --- IDFLAG25 =? Association flag for twenty-fifth catalog =(293) I1 --- IDFLAG26 =? Association flag for twenty-sixth catalog =(294) I1 --- IDFLAG27 =? Association flag for twenty-seventh catalog =(295) I1 --- IDFLAG28 =? Association flag for twenty-eighth catalog =(296) I1 --- IDFLAG29 =? Association flag for twenty-ninth catalog =(297) I1 --- IDFLAG30 =? Association flag for thirtieth catalog =(298) I1 --- IDFLAG31 =? Association flag for thirty-first catalog =(299) I1 --- IDFLAG32 =? Association flag for thirty-second catalog =(300) I1 --- IDFLAG33 =? Association flag for thirty-third catalog =(301) I1 --- IDFLAG34 =? Association flag for thirty-fourth catalog =(302) I1 --- IDFLAG35 =? Association flag for thirty-fifth catalog =(303) I1 --- IDFLAG36 =? Association flag for thirty-sixth catalog =(304) I1 --- IDFLAG37 =? Association flag for thirty-seventh catalog =(305) I1 --- IDFLAG38 =? Association flag for thirty-eighth catalog =(306) I1 --- IDFLAG39 =? Association flag thirty-ninth for catalog =(307) I1 --- IDFLAG40 =? Association flag for fortieth catalog =(308) I1 --- IDFLAG41 =? Association flag for forty-first catalog =(309) I1 --- IDFLAG42 =? Association flag for forty-second catalog =(310) I1 --- IDFLAG43 =? Association flag for forty-third catalog =(311) I1 --- IDFLAG44 =? Association flag for forty-fourth catalog =(312) I1 --- IDFLAG45 =? Association flag for forty-fifth catalog =(313) I1 --- IDFLAG46 =? Association flag for forty-sixth catalog =(314) I1 --- IDFLAG47 =? Association flag for forty-seventh catalog =(315) I1 --- IDFLAG48 =? Association flag for forty-eighth catalog =(316) I1 --- IDFLAG49 =? Association flag for forty-ninth catalog =(317) I1 --- IDFLAG50 =? Association flag for fiftieth catalog =(318) I7 --- IDKEY =? Pointer to the record in the association database =(319) I1 --- FPFLAG_A =First final product flag =(320) I1 --- FPFLAG_B =Second final product flag =(321) I1 --- FPFLAG_C =Third final product flag =(322) I1 --- FPFLAG_D =Fourth final product flag =(323) I1 --- FPFLAG_E =Fifth final product flag =(324) I4 --- MRGMAPN =Merge map number =(325) I4 --- MRGSEQN =Sequential bandmerge number =(326) I4 0.1deg POSANG2000 =Uncertainty ellipse position angle, equinox J2000.0, epoch 1983.5 =(327) #---------------------