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  Gaia DR2 (Gaia Collaboration, 2018) acknowledge and cite Gaia DR2
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1.I/345/tsstatStatistical parameters of time series, using only transits not rejected (vari_time_series_statistics) (original column names in green) (550737 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  SolID  Solution Identifier (G1) (solution_id) (;meta.version)
  Source  (i) Unique source identifier (G2) (source_id) (;meta.main)
  NGmag   [5/242] Total number of G FOV transits selected for variability analysis (num_selected_g_fov) (meta.number)
  TimeGmag d (i) Mean observation time for G FoV transits (mean_obs_time_g_fov) (stat.mean;time)
  DurGmag d Time duration of the time series for G FoV transits (time_duration_g_fov) (time.duration)
  b_Gmag mag Minimum G FoV magnitude (min_mag_g_fov) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.min)
  B_Gmag mag Maximum G FoV magnitude (max_mag_g_fov) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.max)
  Gmag mag Mean G FoV magnitude (mean_mag_g_fov) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.mean)
  GmagMed mag Median G FoV magnitude (median_mag_g_fov) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.median)
  RangeGmag mag Difference between the highest and lowest G FoV magnitudes (range_mag_g_fov) (em.opt;phot.mag;arith.diff)

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 (i)indexed column
  stddevGmag mag Square root of the unweighted G FoV magnitude variance (std_dev_mag_g_fov) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.stdev)
  SkeGmag  Standardized unweighted G FoV magnitude skewness (skewness_mag_g_fov) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  KurGmag  Standardized unweighted G FoV magnitude kurtosis (kurtosis_mag_g_fov) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  MADGmag mag Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) for G FoV transits (mad_mag_g_fov) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  AbbeGmag  Abbe value for G FoV transits (abbe_mag_g_fov) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  IQRGmag mag Interquartile range for G FoV transits (iqr_mag_g_fov) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  NBPmag  Total number of BP FOV transits selected for variability analysis (num_selected_bp) (meta.number)
  TimeBPmag d (n) Mean observation time for BP FoV transits (mean_obs_time_bp) (stat.mean;time)
  DurBPmag d (n) Time duration of the time series for BP FoV transits (time_duration_bp) (time.duration)
  b_BPmag mag (n) Minimum BP FoV magnitude (min_mag_bp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.min)
  B_BPmag mag (n) Maximum BP FoV magnitude (max_mag_bp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.max)
  BPmag mag (n) Mean BP FoV magnitude (mean_mag_bp) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  BPmagMed mag (n) Median BP FoV magnitude (median_mag_bp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.median)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  RangeBPmag mag (n) Difference between the highest and lowest BP FoV magnitudes (range_mag_bp) (em.opt;phot.mag;arith.diff)
  stddevBPmag mag (n) Square root of the unweighted BP FoV magnitude variance (std_dev_mag_bp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.stdev)
  SkeBPmag  (n) Standardized unweighted BP FoV magnitude skewness (skewness_mag_bp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  KurBPmag  (n) Standardized unweighted BP FoV magnitude kurtosis (kurtosis_mag_bp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  MADBPmag mag (n) Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) for BP FoV transits (mad_mag_bp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  AbbeBPmag  (n) Abbe value for BP FoV transits (abbe_mag_bp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  IQRBPmag mag (n) Interquartile range for BP FoV transits (iqr_mag_bp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  NRPmag  (n) Total number of RP FOV transits selected for variability analysis (num_selected_rp) (meta.number)
  TimeRPmag d (n) Mean observation time for RP FoV transits (mean_obs_time_rp) (stat.mean;time)
  DurRPmag d (n) Time duration of the time series for RP FoV transits (time_duration_rp) (time.duration)
  b_RPmag mag (n) Minimum RP FoV magnitude (min_mag_rp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.min)
  B_RPmag mag (n) Maximum RP FoV magnitude (max_mag_rp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.max)
  RPmag mag (n) Mean RP FoV magnitude (mean_mag_rp) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  RPmagMed mag (n) Median RP FoV magnitude (median_mag_rp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.median)
  RangeRPmag mag (n) Difference between the highest and lowest RP FoV magnitudes (range_mag_rp) (em.opt;phot.mag;arith.diff)
  stddevRPmag mag (n) Square root of the unweighted RP FoV magnitude variance (std_dev_mag_rp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.stdev)
  SkeRPmag  (n) Standardized unweighted RP FoV magnitude skewness (skewness_mag_rp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  KurRPmag  (n) Standardized unweighted RP FoV magnitude kurtosis (kurtosis_mag_rp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  MADRPmag mag (n) Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) for RP FoV transits (mad_mag_rp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  AbbeRPmag  (n) Abbe value for RP FoV transits (abbe_mag_rp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)
  IQRRPmag mag (n) Interquartile range for RP FoV transits (iqr_mag_rp) (em.opt;phot.mag;stat.value)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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